Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Will massive winter storm send you south or keep you home?

By Keith Still

Well it?s Groundhog Day, again. And for Americans this year, that must mean there?s another winter storm throwing a monkey wrench in their travel plans from Dallas to Dover. At this rate, we might feel lucky if there are only six more weeks of winter weather to endure.

Yesterday, a ?life-threatening? storm grounded one-fifth of all scheduled U.S. flights as blizzard conditions, snow and ice storms began covering much of the country, affecting 30 states and ultimately as many as 100 million people. Tornadoes, freezing rain, snowfall measured in feet, not inches?these are all problems gumming up the works for weather-weary travelers at a time when we just want to see some sun, swoosh down the slopes or head out of town for the Super Bowl.

But with more than 7,000 flights cancelled since yesterday, Mother Nature, it seems, would have us suffer more of the same travel hassles we have endured throughout this unusually stormy winter. In Dallas, where …

Source: http://blogs.ajc.com/still-traveling-blog/2011/02/02/will-massive-winter-storm-send-you-south-or-keep-you-home/?cxntfid=blogs_still_traveling_blog

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