Sunday, August 4, 2013

Has traveling together ever ruined your relationship?

By Keith Still

Last week, we looked into great places around the southeast to spend Valentine?s Day with your special someone. Traveling together can really help couples re-connect and fall in love all over again. OR, it can tear some couples apart.

As I was scanning the news yesterday, this article, entitled ?5 travel relationship killers: have any ruined your vacation?? flashed up. I have had vacations ruined by various factors over the years, but my relationship with my travel companion was never one of them. It helps, I?m sure, that my travel companion has been the same person for the past 16 years. If you can live with someone for that long, surely you can survive any kind of situation a vacation throws at you.

If I reach back into fog that is my distant memory ? the one before my husband came into the picture ? however, I can see how traveling with the wrong person could make a dream vacation a nightmare.

The article lists five major problems couples can face …


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